Introduction :
Global Sourceing Associates is now offering independent quality assurance service across the
board for apparel & apparel accessories, home furnishings, etc.
GSA has been doing inspections for more than past 15 years for Esteemed buyers like
Austrailia, Usa, UK etc. QUALITY is the essence in today's fast moving world of fashion & the
new age discerning consumer has zero tolerance for quality defects as it can be damaging to a
brand in terms of sales & with a long term impact on the brand. We offer you a comprehensive
onsite inspection, from inline, mid & final inspections. Our experienced inspectors have the
product knowledge & technical understanding of all the quality aspects of the products. The
monitoring starts right from production sample study to the factory floor, up to packaging to
ensure that the product integrity is maintained. Inline Inspection on the shop floor is conducted on
the factory lines so as to correct the quality at the start-up stage itself & due reporting & correction
is done on the spot. Mid Inspection is conducted to ensure that quality errors & rectification
identified during inline is followed through & to check on any issues which may have cropped up
during production and up to initial washing, finishing etc. Final Inspection is conducted on 100%
packed goods to ensure product meets AQL & required standards along with detailed checking of
the packing, size scales, cartons, shipping marks, etc. to ensure a compliant shipment. The AQL
standard used is 2.5 per major & 4 per minor as per level II or then as requested or specified for a
client. For all inspections reporting, buyer will be provided a documented report along with
reference pictures within 48 hours after the inspection.